Ghana: The Past of the Present

SUNY Cortland
Accra, Ghana (Map)


Why are African countries some of the most underdeveloped in the world? Is development aid hurting or helping Africa? Join us this summer as we explore the history and economics of African development in Ghana. You will get to experience first hand the history of a region that has been affected by slavery, colonialism, and neo-colonialism. You will learn about the Ghanaian economy and civilizations before the advent of the Europeans; the role of women in the economy; and some poverty alleviation programs instituted by the government and international organizations. We will visit slave castles where you will learn about the lives of slaves and the Atlantic slave system. We will meet and interview people affected by post-independence industrialization projects. You will get to experience West African foods, dance, music, and religious rituals.

Course Information:

HIS 329 (3 credits): Special Topics in History
AAS 329/ECO 329 (3 credits): Special Topics in Economics/Africana Studies

*Potential for course substitution upon return - discuss with your Academic Advisor.

OPEN TO EVERYONE! You do not need to be a history or Africana Studies major to participate.

Program Dates:

May 23, 2020: Departure from JFK, New York
May 24, 2020: Arrival in Accra, Ghana
June 17, 2020  Departure from Accra, Ghana
June 18, 2020  Arrival at JFK, New York


On days that students are taking classes at the University of Ghana, classes are taught by University of Ghana Professors from 8:30AM to 12:30PM. Visits to other cultural or historic sites will place in late afternoons and early evenings. 

Such places include:
○ The National Cultural Center, Accra
○ Accra Mokola Market
○ Coca-cola Bottling Plant, Accra
○ Dr. Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park and Mausoleum
○ W. E. B. Dubois Center
○ Bojo Beach
○ Labadi Beach

SUMMER 2020 BUDGET Subject to change.

Estimated cost: (SUBJECT TO CHANGE) between $6,700 - $7,200 depending on number of students.

There is an 8 student minimum for this program.

Cost includes: 6 credits, round-trip flight, accomodation, most meals, instructional costs, health insurance, and pre-departure orientation.


Application Deadline:

Summer 2020: MARCH 1, 2020

Please note: Students are required to make a $500 deposit by MARCH 15 to confirm their spot on their program.

Minimum Eligibility Requirements

2.5 GPA
Undergraduate or Graduate Student Status


Scroll down and click 'APPLY NOW'

You will be asked to complete the following:

Study Statement: one page describing your interest in studying abroad

Two Recommendations: you will be asked to enter the name and email address of two faculty recommenders. They will receive an online form to complete - no letter required.

Official Transcript: obtained from your Registrar's Office (SUNY Cortland students can obtain this from Student Registration and Record Services Miller Building, Room 223. Phone: 607-753-4702)

For more information about the program, contact:

The International Programs Office at


Dr. Bekeh Ukelina
is an Assistant Professor of History at SUNY Cortland. His research examines the ideologies and practices of development in Africa, south of the Sahara. Bekeh's research looks at the interventions of institutions (states and NGOs) in Africa's development. Originally from Nigeria, Bekeh came to the United States as a student. He has done extensive research in West Africa and Europe and has traveled to about 40 countries in the world.

Dr. Jessica Carrick-Hagenbarth is an Assistant Professor of Economics at SUNY Cortland. Her research focuses on economic development through development projects. Jessica has had extensive travel experience living and studying abroad for over four years. In high school, she was a study abroad student to Ireland for one semester. While completing her undergraduate degree, she spent 1.5 years in Ecuador, 1.5 years in Mexico. In addition, she conducted extensive field research for her dissertation over another 1.5 years in various parts of Brazil. She has travelled abroad throughout Latin America, Asia, and Europe.

2 Weeks
Language of Instruction:
Field(s) of Study:
African American Studies
Special Features:
Faculty-led Program